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___ Satellite View and Map of Port Said (As Suwais), Egypt

About the City of Port Said

Port Said Governorate FlagSatellite View is showing Port Said, the seaport city in northern Egypt. Port Said is situated at the northern end of the Suez Canal, where the canal leads into the Mediterranean Sea.

City of Port Said at the Suez Canal
Port Said at Suez Canal
Image: Nicola
The canal is the artificial shipping canal that transits through Egypt and opens out into the Red Sea near the city of Suez. Port Said with its port facilities is beside Alexandria and Suez a major port in Egypt, it serves ships and vessels traveling to and from the canal and for exports of Egyptian products.
The city was founded in 1859 at the beginning of the construction of the Suez Canal.

Port Said has a population of about 600,000 people, together with Port Fouad they form a metropolitan area with more than a million residents. Official language is Arabic.

The Map shows a city map of Port Said with expressways, main roads, and streets, as well as the location of Port Said Airport (IATA code: PSD) and the northern terminus of the Suez Canal.

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Local Time Port Said:
Thursday-January-16  00:50  
Standard time zone is Eastern European Time (EET): UTC/GMT +2 hours
Egypt does not observe Daylight Saving Time (DST) since 2011
φ Latitude, λ Longitude (of Map center; move the map to see coordinates):
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Google Map: Searchable Map of the City of Port Said, Egypt.

City Coordinates: 31°15′N 32°17′E
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Weather Conditions Port Said:

External Links:
Port Said
Official website of Port Said Governorate (in Arabic).

Wikipedia: Port Said
Wikipedia entry for Port Said.
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