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___ Satellite View and Map of the City of Khartoum (الخرطوم, al-Kharṭūm, Al Khurtum), Sudan

Panorama of Karthoum at the river Nile
Panorama of Karthoum and Omdurman at the river Nile.
Image by: İnebolulu

About Khartoum

Satellite view is showing Khartoum, the national capital of Sudan, located in central Sudan at the confluence of the Blue Nile and the White Nile rivers. Opposite the river in west lies the city of Omdurman (Umm Durmān) the largest city in Sudan.

The Sudanese metropolis consists in fact of three cities: Khartoum, Khartoum North (Bahri), and Omdurman.
This urban conglomeration has a population of estimated more than 3 million inhabitants. Official language is Arabic and English.

The map shows a city map of Khartoum with expressways, main roads and streets, and the location of Khartoum International Airport (IATA code: KRT).
Zoom out to find the location of Khartoum New International Airport (KNIA) an airport under construction about 40 km (25 mi) southwest of Omdurman.

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Local Time Sudan:
Friday-January-17  15:37  
Eastern Africa Time (EAT): UTC/GMT +3 hours
φ Latitude, λ Longitude (of Map center; move the map to see coordinates):
Google Maps: Searchable map/satellite view of Khartoum/Omdurman, Republic of the Sudan.

More about Sudan:

Searchable map/satellite view of Port Sudan
(Sudan's chief port)
Searchable map/satellite view of Abyei (border town)
Searchable map/satellite view of Juba
(capital city of South Sudan)

Searchable map/satellite view of Sudan
Political Map of Sudan
Administrative Map of Sudan

Sudan Country Profile

Map of Northern Africa and the Middle East
Political Map of Africa
Relief Map of Africa
Google Earth Searchable Map of Africa
 Countries of Africa
Capitals of Africa
Flags of Africa
Languages of Africa

External Links
Wikipedia: Khartoum
Khartoum Current Weather Conditions:

Related Consumer Information:

Other Capital Cities in Northern Africa
Algiers, Cairo, Juba, Rabat, Tripoli, Tunis


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