Airports | Airlines |
International Airport Codes Listings of IATA 3 letter codes for airports around the world. |
International Airlines Comprehensive information about the National Airlines and other important carriers by continents and countries. |
Top 30 World Airports Airports Ranking by Passenger Traffic. |
Canadian and US Airlines Airlines of Latin America and the Caribbean |
Major North American Airports List of the major international airports in the US and Canada. |
European Airlines African Airlines |
Map of Major Canadian and U.S. Airports Interactive Map and Satellite View of Major Canadian and U.S. Airports with a short description of the facility. |
Asian Airlines Airlines of Australia and Oceania |
Searchable Location Map of Major Airports in Europe Location of major Airport cities in Europe, with description and IATA codes. |
Major Airlines of the
World The World's Top Passenger Airlines. |
Searchable Map of Major Airports in India and Southern Asia Location of major Airport cities in India and Southern Asia, with description and IATA codes. |