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___ Satellite View and Map of Morocco - المملكة المغربية

Satellite View of Morocco using Google Earth Data

Satellite view is showing the North African country south of Spain bordering the North Atlantic Ocean (west) and the Mediterranean Sea (north).
Capital city of Morocco is Rabat. Spoken languages are Moroccan Arabic, Tamazight (Berber languages), French is widely used.

Countries with international borders to Morocco are Algeria, (Mauritania), Western Sahara, Spain.

The map shows Morocco with cities and towns, main roads and streets.
To find a location use the form below. To view just the map, click on the "Map" button
To find a location type: street or place, city, optional: state, country.

Local Time Morocco:
Wednsday-February-12  02:04  
No UTC/GMT offset
φ Latitude, λ Longitude (of Map center; move the map to see coordinates):
Google Maps: Searchable map/satellite view of the Kingdom of Morocco.
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More about Morocco:

Satellite View and Map of Rabat (capital city)
Satellite View and Map of Casablanca
Satellite View and Map of Tangier

Political Map of Morocco
Administrative Map of Morocco

Morocco Country Profile
Morocco in Figures
Morocco key statistical data.

Map of Northern Africa and the Middle East
Political Map of Africa
Relief Map of Africa
Google Earth Searchable Map of Africa
 Countries of Africa
Capitals of Africa
Flags of Africa
Languages of Africa

Current Weather Conditions Rabat:

Related Consumer Information:

map pan button
to pan the map click on the respective arrow on the pan button or click on the map and move your mouse/pointer to drag the map around (pan).
zoom to Zoom in +, or Zoom out – use the zoom buttons; or double click on the map to zoom in.
map control buttons Map Type Control Buttons;
To switch between various map types click on this buttons:

terrain button
Click the Map button for a street map, this button holds the option for
Terrain, it displays a physical map with topographical details.

Labes button
Click the Satellite for a satellite image;
with the option to switch Labels (names, borders, roads, business, etc.) on and off, for a combination of satellite image and street map.
Pegman The "Pegman" symbol offers the switch to Google's street view, the 360-degree, panoramic street-level imagery.
To enjoy street views, grab pegman with your cursor and hoover over the map, when street view is available parts of the map will change to blue, drop pegman there and you might have a lot of fun within unimaginable boring landscapes.

Countries and Territories of Africa

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