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Parinacota Volcano and lake Chungara, Lauca National Park, Chile
Lake Chungara and the Payachata volcanic group with Parinacota Volcano to the right. This landscape is situated in the extreme north of Chile in the Altiplano of Arica y Parinacota Region in the Lauca National Park.
Image: Turismo Chile

Location map of Chile. Where in South America is Chile?
Location map of Chile

Flag of Chile
Flag of Chile

Chile in brief

Destination Chile. A Nations Online Project guide to the country that occupies a long coastal strip between the Andes mountains and the Pacific Ocean in the southwestern part of South America. Chile borders Argentina and Bolivia in the east, and it shares a short border with Peru in the north.

The country has an area of 756,102 km², compared it is somewhat smaller than Turkey or slightly smaller than twice the size of the U.S. state of Montana.

The Republic of Chile (its official name) has a population of 19.7 million people (official estimates 2021). The capital and largest city is Santiago (Santiago de Chile). The national language is Spanish.

Republic of Chile | República de Chile

A three-year-old Marxist government was overthrown in 1973 by a dictatorial military regime led by Augusto PINOCHET, which ruled until a freely elected president was installed in 1990.

Sound economic policies, first implemented by the PINOCHET dictatorship, led to unprecedented growth in 1991-97 and have helped secure the country's commitment to democratic and representative government. Growth slowed in 1998-99, but recovered strongly in 2000.

(Source: CIA - The World Factbook)


Country Profile

Official Name:
República de Chile
short form: Chile
int'l long form: Republic of Chile

ISO Country Code: cl, CHL

Local Time = UTC -4h
Actual Time: Tue-Feb-11  00:53

Country Calling Code: +56

Capital City: Santiago (pop. metropolitan area est. 6 million)
The legislative body operates in Valparaíso.

Other Cities: Concepcion-Talcahuano (840,000), Vina del Mar-Valparaíso (800,000), Antofagasta (245,000), Temuco (230,000). more


Official Sites of Chile

Note: External links will open in a new browser window.

Plaza de la Ciudadanía, La Moneda Palace, Santiago
Plaza de la Ciudadanía with the statue of the Arturo Alessandri, former President of Chile, at La Moneda Palace, the seat of the President of the Republic of Chile.
Image: Edrahil Nargothrond

Gobierno de Chile
The Government of Chile.

Presidencia de la República de Chile
Office of the President of Chile.

Congreso Nacional
The National Congress of Chile is the bicameral legislative branch of the government of the Republic of Chile.

Senado de la República de Chile
The Senate of the Republic of Chile is the upper house of Chile's bicameral Congress

Cámara de Diputados de Chile
The Chamber of Deputies of Chile is the lower house of Chile's bicameral Congress.

Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores
Official site of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Chile.

Santiago de Chile
Chile's capital city official website.

Diplomatic Missions
Misión Permanente de Chile ante Naciones Unidas
Permanent Mission of Chile to the United Nations.
Embassy of Chile in the U.S.
Washington D.C.
Diplomatic Missions of Chile Abroad
Address list of Chile's Diplomatic Missions Abroad.

Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas
The National Institute of Statistics - Chile in numbers.

Chile in Figures
Chile key statistical data.




Maps of Chile

Chile Political Map
Map of Chile (click map to enlarge)
Image: ©


Map of Chile
Political map of Chile.
Administrative Map of Chile
Map showing the primary administrative regions of Chile.
Google Earth Google Earth Chile
Searchable map and satellite view of Chile.
Google Earth Google Earth Santiago de Chile
Searchable map and satellite view of Chile's capital city.

Map of South America
Reference map of South America.


News of Chile


Online News from Chile

Chile Today
Independent news platform in Chile.
El Mercurio
National and international news. (in Spanish)
Diario Chañarcillo
Chilean newspaper.
La Nación
Chilean daily newspaper. (in Spanish)
La Segunda
Afternoon daily owned by El Mercurio SAP.
La Tercera
Chilean daily with national and international news. (in Spanish)
The Santiago Times
English-language newspaper published in Santiago.
Las Últimas Noticias
One of the major Chilean dailys. (in Spanish)

International News Sources
Chile News Headlines | Reuters
Latest breaking news and top news headlines from Reuters.
The Guardian: Chile
UK's Guardian news about Chile.
MercoPress Chile
MP. provides information focused on South America.


Arts & Culture of Chile

Roberto Matta painting
Felicidad Sólida, painting by Roberto Matta. Matta was a Chilean sculptor and painter who belonged to the Surrealist group.
Image: Colección del Museo Soumaya

Arts & Culture

Biblioteca Nacional de Chile
Chile's National Library (in Spanish)

Stockholm Challenge Award Memoria Chilena
A web site based on the digitalization of the Chilean cultural inheritance. (in Spanish)

Municipal de Santiago
Chile's National Opera Santiago.

Pablo Neruda
Neftalí Ricardo Reyes Basoalto
Bibliography of Pablo Neruda, winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature 1971 at the Nobel Foundation.

Pablo Neruda - Biography
A brief, hypertext-annotated biography at the Electronic Nobel Museum Project website.

Fundación Pablo Neruda
Neruda Foundation.

Caballo y Rodeo
Horse and Rodeo - Official website of the Federation of Chilean Horse Breeders and the National Sports Federation of the Chilean Rodeo.

Soccer - Fútbol
Federación de Fútbol de Chile
Football Federation of Chile



Business & Economy of Chile

Banco Central de Chile
Central Bank of Chile.

Bolsa de Comercio de Santiago
Santiago Stock exchange.

Cámara de Comercio de Santiago
Santiago Chamber of Commerce.


Chilean airline holding company, formerly LAN Airlines S.A. and LanChile Airlines.

Empresa de los Ferrocarriles del Estado
Chile State Railway.




Tourism in Chile

Conguillío Lake, Araucanía Region of Chile
Conguillío Lake within Conguillío National Park with the Andes in background, the national park is situated in the Araucanía Region of Chile.
Image: Turismo Chile

Destination Chile - Travel and Tour Guides


Discover Chile: the Andes, Atacama desert, volcanoes and lakes, Santiago, Valparaíso, Farellones/El Colorado, island of Chiloé, Valle del Encanto, Parque Nacional Lauca, Patagonia, Torres del Paine National Park, Easter Island, Isla de Pascua, Rapa Nui, Juan Fernández archipelago.

Accommodation, hotels, attractions, festivals, events, tourist boards, biking, hiking, mountaineering, climbing, skiing, cruising, diving, adventure tours and much more.

Chile Touristico
Tourist Information by the National Service for Tourism. (in Spanish)

Chile Travel
Official Chile Tourism and Travel site with links and information about Chilean tour operators, e.g.:

This is Chile
Chile travel information.

Mountaineering in Chile
Information on mountaineering and climbing the Andes mountain range.

A Chile guide by Carlos Lowry (in Spanish).

 Go Chile
Chile Travel Guide.
The site offers country information and touristic services.

Wikivoyage Logo Wikivoyage: Chile
Wikivoyage, the free worldwide travel guide to Chile.

Rano Raraku, Easter Islands, Chile
Rano Raraku, Easter Islands, Chile
Image: Alanbritom
Chile Para Niños
A Chile for kids portal site (in Spanish).

Easter Island - Rapa Nui (3700 km (2294 mi) west of the Chilean mainland)

Easter Island Foundation and Easter Island Guidebook
Visitor's guide with information on Easter Island.




UNESCO World Heritage Sites

Calle Templeman, Cerro Alegre, Valparaíso
Calle Templeman, Cerro Alegre, Valparaíso
Image: Naslo.veliz

UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Chile
There are six cultural UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Chile; 18 sites are on the Tentative List, an inventory of those properties which each State Party intends to consider for nomination. (see the UNESCO World Heritage Site list for Chile)

World Heritage Site Rapa Nui National Park
Monumental sculptures and architecture of Polynesian origin on Easter Island (Rapa Nui).

World Heritage Site Churches of Chiloé
Unlike classical Spanish colonial architecture, the churches in the Chiloé Archipelago are made entirely in native timber with extensive use of wood shingles.

World Heritage Site Historic Quarter of the Seaport City of Valparaíso
19th-century urban and architectural development in Latin America.

World Heritage Site Sewell Mining Town
The now abandoned mining town in the Andes Cordillera is located above the world’s largest underground copper mine, El Teniente.



Education in Chile

Building of the University of Chile in Santiago
University of Chile in Santiago.
Image: GameOfLight

Universidad de Chile
University of Chile, the oldest (founded in 1842) and one of the most prestigious universities in the country, the public university is located in Santiago.
Universidad de Santiago de Chile
Official site of the University of Santiago de Chile, the former Spanish School of Arts and Crafts was founded in 1849.
Andrés Bello National University
Chilean private university created in 1988.
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (UC)
Major university and one of the six Catholic Universities in Chile.

Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory, Chile
Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory in the Coquimbo Region of northern Chile.
Image: Turismo Chile

Center for Mathematical Modeling CMM
A prosperous department of Mathematical Engineering at Universidad de Chile.

Astronomical Observatories in Chile
Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory (CTIO)
CTIO is a complex of astronomical telescopes and instruments available for use for approved projects by qualified astronomers.

European Southern Observatory (ESO)
ESO an intergovernmental, European organisation for astronomical research operates the La Silla Observatory and the Paranal Observatory in Chile.

Motion of the stars through the southern sky seen at Cerro Armazones Observatory
Motion of the stars through the southern sky. The image was taken by the Cerro Armazones Observatory on Cerro Armazones, a mountain peak (3,046 m above sea level) in the central part of the Atacama Desert, in the Chilean Andes.
Image: ESO/S. Brunier


Environment & Nature

Flamingos in the Laguna Chaxa in Chile
Flamingos in the Laguna Chaxa, a lake in the Los Flamencos National Reserve in Chile.
Image: Z_thomas

Natural Resources Information Center (CIREN)
Government funded research institute, focusing in natural resources inventory.

Comisión Nacional del Medio Ambiente (CONAMA)
Official website of the National Commission of Environment. (in Spanish)

Pumalin Park
A guide to the Pumalin Park, and about the private environmental protection project of the Conservation Land Trust (a U.S. environmental foundation)

Protecting the Valdivian forests of Chile and Argentina
World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF) conservation project for the rainforest ecoregion of Chile and Argentina.


Chile History

Book illustration  Persecution of the Pehuenche
Persecution of the Pehuenche. The abduction of women by natives was a popular genre in the paintings of that time.
Image: Illustration from the book "Reise In Chile, Peru Und Auf Dem Amazonenstrome" (1834-36) by German botanist and explorer Eduard Friedrich Poeppig.

Stockholm Challenge Award Memoria Chilena
A web site based on the digitalization of the Chilean cultural inheritance.

Biblioteca virtual del Bicentenario 1810 - 2010
200 years of Literature and History of Chile, Chile's National Library provides books and essays for download (in Spanish).

Wikipedia W History of Chile
Wikipedia page about Chile's history (in many languages, even in Latin).

Operation Condor
Operation Condor was a United States–backed campaign of political repression and state terror in countries of southern South America.

WWW-VL History Index
Comprehensive index of sites related to Chile's history.


Indigenous People of Chile

Chemamull Mapuche statue, Cerro Ñielol, Chile
Chemamull, a wooden Mapuche statue on Ñielol hill in Cerro Ñielol National Tourism Park in the Araucania region of Chile.
Image: Javier Ignacio Acuña Ditzel

Indigenous peoples in Chile
Indigenous peoples in Chile include the Mapuche, the Aymara, the Lickan Antay of the Atacama, the Pehuenche, the Polynesian Rapa-Nui of Easter Island and a few remaining survivors of several Fuegian nations, such as the Yagana, and Kawesqar of Tierra del Fuego.

International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs IWGIA about indigenous peoples in Chile.

Lickan Antay
UK'S Guardian article about the Atacama desert, its people the Lickan Antay and the impact of tourism.

Minority Rights Group - Chile
Directory of Minorities and Indigenous Peoples.

Wikipedia W Indigenous peoples in Chile
Wikipedia articel about Indigenous peoples in Chile.


Additional Information


Additional Information on Chile

Amnesty International: Chile
Amnesty International is a non-governmental organization focused on human rights.

BBC Country Profile: Chile
Country profiles by the British public service broadcaster.

BTI Transformation Index Chile
Chile Country Report 2020 by Bertelsmann Stiftung.

FAO: Chile
The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is a UN agency that leads international efforts to defeat hunger.

Freedom House: Chile
The U.S. government-funded non-profit organization whose goal is to promote liberal democracies worldwide.

GlobalEDGE: Chile
Chile economic ranking by the Global business knowledge portal.

The Heritage Foundation: Chile
Index of Economic Freedom by The Heritage Foundation, an American conservative think tank.

Human Rights Watch: Chile
HRW conducts research and advocacy on human rights.

OEC: Chile
The Observatory of Economic Complexity provides the latest international trade data.

Reporters Without Borders: Chile
RSF (Reporters sans frontières) is an international NGO that defends and promotes media freedom.

Chile - LANIC
Latin American Network Information Center on Chile.

Wikipedia: Chile
Wikipedia's Chile page in many languages.

The CIA World Factbook -- Chile
CIA World Factbook intelligence on Chile.



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