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___ Administrative Map of Cambodia

About Cambodia

Cambodia is a country located in the southeastern part of the Indochina Peninsula in Southeast Asia, it shares borders with Vietnam to the east and south, Laos in northeast, Thailand in west/northwest, and is bordered by the Gulf of Thailand in southwest.

With an area of 181,000 km² Cambodia is about half the size of Germany or slightly smaller than the U.S. state of Oklahoma.

Cambodia has a population of about 14.7 million inhabitants. Capital city is Phnom Penh. Spoken languages are, predominantly (90%) Khmer, a Mon–Khmer language, and Vietnamese (5%).

Administrative Divisions
Cambodia is divided into 24 provinces (khaet), they are the country's first-level administrative divisions.

The provinces are (province capital in parentheses)
Phnom Penh Municipality, Phnom Penh has an equal status like a province.
Banteay Meanchey Province (Sisophon), Battambang Province (Battambang), Kampong Cham Province (Kampong Cham),
Kampong Chhnang Province (Kampong Chhang), Kampong Speu Province (Kampong Speu), Kampong Thom Province (Kampong Thom), Kampot Province (Kampot), Kandal Province (Ta Khmau), Koh Kong Province (Koh Kong), Kep Province (Kep), Kratie Province (Kratie), Mondolkiri Province (Senmonorom), Oddar Meanchey Province (Samrong), Pailin Province (Pailin), Preah Sihanouk Province (Sihanoukville), Preah Vihear Province (Phnom Tbeng Meanchey), Pursat Province (Pursat), Prey Veng Province (Prey Veng), Ratanakiri Province (Banlung), Siem Reap Province (Siem Reap), Stung Treng Province (Stung Treng), Svay Rieng Province (Svay Rieng), and Takeo Province (Takeo)

Map is showing Cambodia with international borders, provincial boundaries, province capitals, and major cities.

You are free to use this map for educational purposes, please refer to the Nations Online Project.
Cambodia Coat of Arms
Royal Seal of Cambodia

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Map of Cambodia
Administrative Map of Cambodia

Cambodian cities

The map shows the location of following cities and towns in Cambodia:

Largest cities: Phnom Penh (capital; pop: 2 million), Battambang (pop: 250,000), Siem Reap (pop: 172,000)

Other cities and towns:
Angkor Wat, Banam, Banlung (Boung Long), Bok Kou, Cheom Ksan, Kampong Cham, Kampong Chhnang, Kampong Speu, Kampong Thom, Kampot, Kratie, Krong Koh Kong, Lumphat, Moung Roessei, Pailin, Phnom Tbeng Meanchey, Poipet, Prey Veng, Pursat, Samrong, Senmonorom, Siem Reap, Siempang, Sihanoukville, Sisophon, Snoul, Sre Ambel, Stung Treng, Svay Rieng, Ta Khmau, and Takeo.
More about Cambodia:

Satellite view with information about Angkor Archaeological Park
Searchable map and satellite view of Phnom Penh

Searchable map and satellite view of Cambodia

Cambodia Country Profile
Cambodia in Figures
Cambodia key statistical data.

Map of Southeast Asia
Current Weather Conditions Phnom Penh:

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