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___ Satellite View and Map of the City of Simferopol (Сімферополь), Ukraine

About Simferopol

Simferopol FlagSatellite view is showing Simferopol, capital city of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea in Ukraine. The city is located in the south-central part of the Crimean peninsula.

The city was renamed Simferopol in 1784 after the annexation of the Crimean Khanate by the Russian Empire.

Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Simferopol
The Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea Simferopol.
Today the city is the administrative, political and economical center of Crimea and an important transportation hub. Simferopol has a population of 360,000 people, with a Russian majority (66%), Ukrainians (21%), and Crimean Tatars (7%).

Spoken languages are Russsian and Ukrainian.

In recent times Simferopol attracts international attention, because armed forces seized the parliament of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and and raised the Russian flag, a day later anonymous paramilitary troops (without any national insignias) have occupied Simferopol International Airport.

In March 2014 troops loyal to Russia have taken control of Crimea and the pro-Russian parliament has voted to join the Russian Federation. Since then the island has become again a Russian tourist destination. Some of the tourists have a combat gear others swimsuits in their luggage.

The map shows a city map of Simferopol with expressways, main roads and streets, as well as the location of Simferopol International Airport (IATA code: SIP) northwest of the city.

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Local Time Ukraine:
Saturday-January-18  11:43  
Standard Time: UTC/GMT +2 hours.
Daylight saving time from end of March till end of October: UTC/GMT +3 hours.
φ Latitude, λ Longitude (of Map center; move the map to see coordinates):
Google Earth: Searchable Map and Satellite view of Simferopol (Сімферополь), Ukraine.

City Coordinates: 44°56′ N 34°6′E
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More about Ukraine:

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Satellite View and Map of Crimea
Map/satellite view of Ukraine

 Political Map of Crimea

 Administrative Map of Ukraine
 Political Map of Ukraine

Ukraine Country Profile

Map of Central and Eastern Europe
Map of Europe

External Links
Simferopol (official web site)
Wikipedia: Simferopol
Current Weather Conditions Simferopol:

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