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___ Satellite View and Map of Guinea-Bissau

Searchable Map and Satellite View of Guinea-Bissau using Google Earth Data

Guinea-Bissau Coat of ArmsSatellite view is showing Guinea-Bissau a country in West Africa and a former Portuguese colony. It is bordered by the North Atlantic Ocean in west, by Senegal in north and by Guinea to the south and east.

With an area of 36,125 km², the country is slightly larger than Belgium, or slightly smaller than Switzerland.

Bafata, old market
Old market in Bafatá, a town in central Guinea-Bissau.
Image: Pis bus
Guinea-Bissau has a population of 1.53 million inhabitants (in 2015). Capital city is Bissau.

The majority of the population consists of Fula and Mandinka-speaking people who live in the north and northeast; the Balanta and Papel people from the southern coastal regions, and the Manjack and Mancanha people from the central and northern coastal areas.

Official language is Portuguese, most of the people speak Kriol (Portuguese-based creole), and there are a variety of native West African languages in use.

The map shows Guinea-Bissau with cities, towns, expressways, and main roads.

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Local Time Guinea-Bissau:
Thursday-January-23  22:26  
Time zone: Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
φ Latitude, λ Longitude (of Map center; move the map to see coordinates):
Google Maps: Searchable Map of Guinea Bissau
(Republic of Guinea-Bissau).

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More about Guinea Bissau:

Map/satellite view of Bissau (capital city)

Political Map of Guinea Bissau
Administrative Map of Guinea Bissau

Guinea Bissau Country Profile

Political Map of West Africa
Map of Northern Africa and the Middle East
Political Map of Africa
Relief Map of Africa
Searchable Map of Africa
Historical Map of Africa

 Countries of Africa
Capitals of Africa
Flags of Africa
Languages of Africa
Current Weather Conditions Bissau:

Related Consumer Information:

Searchable Maps of other Countries in West Africa:

Benin | Burkina Faso | Cape Verde | Côte d'Ivoire | Gambia | Ghana | Guinea
Liberia | Mali | Mauritania | Niger | Nigeria | Senegal | Sierra Leone | Togo

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