Economic indicators |
Gross domestic product (GDP) (million current US$) |
2007 |
245351 |
Gross domestic product (GDP) (million current US$) |
2005 |
176420 |
Gross domestic product (GDP) (million current US$) |
2000 |
122725 |
Growth rate of GDP at constant 1990 prices (% p.a.) |
2007 |
4.8 |
Growth rate of GDP at constant 1990 prices (% p.a.) |
2005 |
4.5 |
Growth rate of GDP at constant 1990 prices (% p.a.) |
2000 |
4.8 |
GDP per capita (current US$) |
2007 |
3840.6 |
GDP per capita (current US$) |
2005 |
2800.2 |
GDP per capita (current US$) |
2000 |
2023.0 |
Gross national income (GNI) per capita (current US$) |
2007 |
3718.9 |
Gross national income (GNI) per capita (current US$) |
2005 |
2664.4 |
Gross national income (GNI) per capita (current US$) |
2000 |
1991.4 |
Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP) |
2007 |
26.8 |
Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP) |
2005 |
28.9 |
Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP) |
2000 |
22.0 |
Exchange rate (national currency per US$) |
2007 |
34.52 |
Official rate. |
Exchange rate (national currency per US$) |
2005 |
40.22 |
Official rate. |
Exchange rate (national currency per US$) |
2000 |
40.11 |
Official rate. |
Balance of payments, current account (million US$) |
2007 |
14921 |
Balance of payments, current account (million US$) |
2005 |
–7647 |
Balance of payments, current account (million US$) |
2000 |
9313 |
Consumer price index (2000=100) |
2007 |
120 |
Consumer price index (2000=100) |
2005 |
112 |
Consumer price index (2000=100) |
2000 |
100 |
Industrial production index (2000=100) |
2007 |
181 |
Manufacturing. |
Industrial production index (2000=100) |
2005 |
156 |
Manufacturing. |
Industrial production index (2000=100) |
2000 |
100 |
Manufacturing. |
Agricultural production index (1999-2001=100) |
2007 |
... |
Agricultural production index (1999-2001=100) |
2005 |
104 |
Agricultural production index (1999-2001=100) |
2000 |
101 |
Food production index (1999-2001=100) |
2007 |
... |
Food production index (1999-2001=100) |
2005 |
103 |
Food production index (1999-2001=100) |
2000 |
101 |
Unemployment (% of labour force) |
2007 |
1.2 |
Third quarter. |
Unemployment (% of labour force) |
2005 |
1.4 |
Third quarter. |
Unemployment (% of labour force) |
2000 |
2.4 |
Third quarter. Age group 13 years and over. |
Employment in industrial sector (% of employed) |
2007 |
20.7 |
Third quarter. |
Employment in industrial sector (% of employed) |
2005 |
20.2 |
Third quarter. |
Employment in industrial sector (% of employed) |
2000 |
17.9 |
Employment in agricultural sector (% of employed) |
2007 |
41.7 |
Third quarter. |
Employment in agricultural sector (% of employed) |
2005 |
42.6 |
Third quarter. |
Employment in agricultural sector (% of employed) |
2000 |
48.5 |
Labour force participation, adult female pop. (%) |
2007 |
65.7 |
Labour force participation, adult female pop. (%) |
2005 |
66.7 |
Labour force participation, adult female pop. (%) |
2000 |
66.6 |
Labour force participation, adult male pop. (%) |
2007 |
80.5 |
Labour force participation, adult male pop. (%) |
2005 |
80.9 |
Labour force participation, adult male pop. (%) |
2000 |
81.2 |
Tourist arrivals at national borders (000) |
2007 |
14464 |
Tourist arrivals at national borders (000) |
2005 |
11567 |
Includes nationals residing abroad. |
Tourist arrivals at national borders (000) |
2000 |
9579 |
Includes nationals residing abroad. |
Primary energy production (000 MT oil equivalent) |
2007 |
40128 |
2006. |
Primary energy production (000 MT oil equivalent) |
2005 |
39556 |
Primary energy production (000 MT oil equivalent) |
2000 |
30885 |
Total telephone subscribers (per 100 inhabitants) |
2007 |
91.4 |
Total telephone subscribers (per 100 inhabitants) |
2005 |
59.4 |
Total telephone subscribers (per 100 inhabitants) |
2000 |
14.1 |
Internet users (per 100 inhabitants) |
2007 |
21.0 |
Internet users (per 100 inhabitants) |
2005 |
15.4 |
Internet users (per 100 inhabitants) |
2000 |
3.7 |
Exports (million US$) |
2007 |
153571.1 |
Imports (million US$) |
2007 |
143761.4 |
Major trading partners (% of exports) |
2007 |
United States (12.6), Japan (11.8), China (9.7) |
Major trading partners (% of imports) |
2007 |
Japan (20.9), China (11.8), United States (6.7) |
Social indicators |
Population growth rate 2005-2010 (% per annum) |
0.7 |
Population aged 0-14 years in 2008 (%) |
20.7 |
Population aged 60+ years in 2008 (women and men, % of total) |
14.9/12.0 |
Sex ratio in 2008 (men per 100 women) |
94.8 |
Life expectancy at birth 2005-2010 (women and men, years) |
75.0/66.0 |
Infant mortality rate 2005-2010 (per 1 000 live births) |
11.0 |
Total fertility rate 2005-2010 (live births per woman) |
1.9 |
Contraceptive prevalence (ages 15-49, %) |
71.5 |
Urban population in 2007 (%) |
32.9 |
Urban population growth rate 2005-2010 (% per annum) |
1.7 |
Rural population growth rate 2005-2010 (% per annum) |
0.2 |
International migrant stock (% of total population) |
1.7 |
Refugees and others of concern to UNHCR |
139127 |
Government education expenditure (% of GDP) |
4.2 |
Primary-secondary gross enrolment ratio (women and men per 100) |
94.2/90.8 |
Third-level students (women and men, % of total) |
51.0/49.0 |
Parliamentary seats (women and men, % of total) |
12.7/87.3 |
Based on 2007 data for Lower House and 2008 data for Upper House or Senate. |